Braineack Been spending a lot of time on here! Joined Jun 17, 2013 Messages 13,214 Reaction score 5,613 Location NoVA Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Jun 18, 2013 #1 Creepy Buggers. and a macaw for good measure:
J jedirunner TPF Noob! Joined Jan 13, 2012 Messages 354 Reaction score 71 Location Utah Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Jun 18, 2013 #2 I really like #3. the perspective is great! (I just wish his whole beak was in the frame). #4 works for me too. Nice shots. Kevin
I really like #3. the perspective is great! (I just wish his whole beak was in the frame). #4 works for me too. Nice shots. Kevin
OP OP Braineack Been spending a lot of time on here! Joined Jun 17, 2013 Messages 13,214 Reaction score 5,613 Location NoVA Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Jun 18, 2013 #3 I agree on #3. I was trying to keep focused on the eyes, they move around so much it was really hard to keep in focus and keep a fast f-stop. I also have this, but I dont think the composition is as successful.
I agree on #3. I was trying to keep focused on the eyes, they move around so much it was really hard to keep in focus and keep a fast f-stop. I also have this, but I dont think the composition is as successful.
John_Olexa No longer a newbie, moving up! Joined Feb 3, 2008 Messages 437 Reaction score 49 Location Maryland Can others edit my Photos Photos NOT OK to edit Jun 18, 2013 #4 Nice work. I like the water droplet forming on the beak in image 2
PropilotBW Been spending a lot of time on here! Joined Feb 7, 2013 Messages 2,009 Reaction score 676 Location Atlanta, GA, USA Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Jun 18, 2013 #5 If only the tip of the beak wasn't cut off on #3, it would be awesome. It's already an awesome shot...I've never seen a curious Flamingo, and this guy looks curious!
If only the tip of the beak wasn't cut off on #3, it would be awesome. It's already an awesome shot...I've never seen a curious Flamingo, and this guy looks curious!