Focus Override


TPF Noob!
Aug 8, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
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Hi All,

I own a Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 which has a full-time manual focus override (ie, no switch from AF to MF). For some reason, I can't get the camera to take a picture unless it thinks that the image is in focus. Basically, I can't take light painting pictures or star pictures, etc. because my camera never finds anything to focus on. Am I completely missing something? Thanks!
Does your camera have Focus release modes? Sorry, don't know about your model but the D60 and D300 do so I assume yours must as well.

S=needs to be in focus for shutter release.
C=shutter will release regardless
M=full manual
Does your camera have Focus release modes? Sorry, don't know about your model but the D60 and D300 do so I assume yours must as well.

S=needs to be in focus for shutter release.
C=shutter will release regardless
M=full manual

Yep! Thanks a bunch.

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