Food Photography


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 21, 2016
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I was going to post a picture of bread, but after determining that there wasn't a specific topic, I thought about it and decided to create this thread. And then I decided not to post the picture because I didn't like it that much. Well, for now, that was probably a good thing because it gives the Moderators a moment to decide whether to delete this thread. I do intend to post pictures here, but just not right now. But if the Mods decide to remove this topic, then fine, I'll post them somewhere else. . . .
This is a good place for a food photography forum. Let the food roll in... I'll start with a Black Forest Cherry Cake, the real thing, made from scratch, not the goshawful things one purchases in the supermarket with that name attached...
SchwarzwaelderKirschTorte by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr
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