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For Sale: Sinar F 4×5 Outfit w/ Sironar-N 210mm f5.6 -- State College Pa -- Ship/PU


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Mar 5, 2010
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State College PA
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For sale is a well maintained and fully functioning Sinar F 4×5 Outfit w/ Sironar-N 210mm f5.6. I will let it go for $500 plus shipping (price may be a bit negotiable, but I don't have much wiggle room here). Please let me know if you have any questions and if you are interested. I am more than willing to send you my ebay name for my selling history as well. Thanks!

EDIT: NOW $400
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i want to buy F 4×5 Outfit w/ Sironar-N 210mm f5.6. can you give me the more details about the product. but the cost is to high
The lens is a Rodenstock Sironar-N. The film offered is Ilford HP5 Plus (400). There should be about 15 or so left. The film has not been refrigerated, but it is fairly new (maybe 5 months old) and it has been kept in a drawer. The film holders are Lisco Regal 2 holders. There are 5 film holders.

I have had other offers so I think the price is right about where it should be.
By European standards the pricing is very reasonable.

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