Frogs, Crabs, Turtle


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Apr 10, 2010
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Malayan soft-shell turtle (Dogania subplana) ID credit: Mohd Abdul Muin. Isn't it cute?
Dogania subplana IMG_4285 copy by Kurt (, on Flickr

Dogania subplana IMG_4288 copy by Kurt (, on Flickr

Cute Spotted Litter Frog (Leptobrachium hendriksoni). Selangor, Malaysia. They blend in so well with the forest floor and I often wonder how many of them have been stepped on by human, unnoticed.
Leptobrachium hendricksoni IMG_5126 copy by Kurt (, on Flickr

Beautiful Norhayati's Flying Frog (Rhacophorus norhayatii). Night herping, Selangor, Malaysia.
Rhacophorus norhayatii IMG_5105 copy by Kurt (, on Flickr

A very common frog I found during the day. White-lipped frog (Hylarana labialis). Selangor, Malaysia.
Hylarana labialis IMG_4553 copy by Kurt (, on Flickr

Corrugated Frog (Limnonectes laticeps) in amplexus. I didn't see the female at first. Selangor, Malaysia.
Limnonectes laticeps IMG_4419 copy by Kurt (, on Flickr

Freshwater crab
Freshwater crab IMG_8344 copy by Kurt (, on Flickr

Freshwater crab IMG_3572 copy by Kurt (, on Flickr
I particularly like #2. That face, especially the snorkel nose, does it for me.
Great shots as always mate. I particularly like your Spotted Litter Frog, there defiantly is something about that face that is remarkable.

Thanks, weepete. Those frogs have mesmerizing eyes :)

I particularly like #2. That face, especially the snorkel nose, does it for me.

Thanks, Actinia.

Great stuff! Love 'em all.

Thanks, Brian.

Nice photos. With that title, I thought you were going to tell us a story about a bad night out on the town.

Thanks, Ron. LOL.

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