Fungus Problem on Lenses


TPF Noob!
Jun 10, 2017
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Hey guys, I'm a mechanical engineer and photografy lover!! Im a student in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. I'm developing a new prototype of a "case" that you can carry around and basically it keeps the ideal humidity and temperature of the lenses you're carrying around. My question is, would you invest on this idea if it where on kickstarter?

Thanks for your attention
Nope. A lens is no good if its always kept in a case. Plus a case that can regulate temperature and humidity is going to be big and bulky.
Nope. A lens is no good if its always kept in a case. Plus a case that can regulate temperature and humidity is going to be big and bulky.
I see... What if it was something static that you kept at home?
my home is temperature controlled already, so no need for a sealed case.
outside of the home, if the lens is on the camera its not sealed and as soon as you open the case you basically undo the point of keeping it temperature controlled in the first place plus exposing the lens to sudden temperature and humidity changes.

intead of a lens case, perhaps you can turn this project into a nice portable cigar humidor?
Nope. A lens is no good if its always kept in a case. Plus a case that can regulate temperature and humidity is going to be big and bulky.
I see... What if it was something static that you kept at home?
I have that. It's called central heating and air conditioning.
Well, I guess thats a problem specially with places like Brazil(where I live). Central heating doenst exist here... But thanks for the honesty!! Cheers
Just put a little bit of clotrimazole on the lenses. :biglaugh:

I honestly never seen a lens with fungus before, the closest thing I had was a lens I bought used had a little bit of hazing that the seller never mentioned but it was removed easily with Oakley's Sunglass cleaner.

But yeah, humid environments have more chance of causing mold on lenses but then again if they are being stored in a climate controlled building, it shouldn't be a problem unless they are being stored in a shed (but why would you do that?!).
I don't carry a case with me. I carry the camera around the neck and another lens in the pocket. Lens fungus is not a problem here.
Lens fungus is not a significant problem in most of the United States. This audience here would likely not be your target market.

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