gate and shadows


TPF Supporters
Supporting Member
Nov 19, 2011
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Long Island, New York
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I like the concept and composition. It bothers me a bit though that the shadows and gates aren't quite parallel. I'd be curious about what others think.
Cool photo.

I like the concept and composition. It bothers me a bit though that the shadows and gates aren't quite parallel.
Not something I noticed since they are very close and even if they're not I know that there is nothing you can do about it since it would mean that the gate isn't parallel to the structure the shadow is on.
I like the concept and composition. It bothers me a bit though that the shadows and gates aren't quite parallel. I'd be curious about what others think.
I couldn't move either the gate or the sun. Seriously, that was part of what I liked about what I was seeing. As wallpaper it would be very annoying.
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I think I like that better. I think that the lack of parallelism is a bit distracting, but it's still a nice image.

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