Glass blowing


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 27, 2013
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Columbus, OH
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I made a trip to a local studio to scout it out for a possible photo meetup - what a great place to shoot! It was very cool to watch the pieces forming up from literally a blob of molten glass, but I tried to capture some photos of the people along the way.

C&C welcome -- in this shot, I used a pretty shallow DOF on purpose -- I wanted the guy in the back to be visible, of course, but given the semi-unflattering pose, I thought a bit of blur wouldn't hurt. I got other shots showing the whole f/g guy, too, but I liked the simplicity of this one a bit better.

IMG_2022.jpg by lambertpix, on Flickr

One of the wider shots - maybe shows the process a little better, but busier than I'd like:

IMG_2012.jpg by lambertpix, on Flickr

Looking through the ovens - I worked on these shots for a while, and never did get quite the "money shot" I was looking for - here's one with the 2100-degree catchlight I was hoping for, but not quite as sharp as I'd like:

IMG_1960.jpg by lambertpix, on Flickr

I like the heat here, but need a little more sharpness & reflection from the fire:

IMG_1930.jpg by lambertpix, on Flickr

I had a lot of fun shooting this place, though -- definitely worth checking out if you've got something like this in your area!

More in my flickr set.
I like the reflection in the glass in the first shot! Also looked at Flickr, Nice work!
I like the reflection in the glass in the first shot! Also looked at Flickr, Nice work!
That and the third one are my favorites. He looks defeated in the fourth one to me. I don't know what he's looking at, and it makes him seem "spaced out."
I like the reflection in the glass in the first shot! Also looked at Flickr, Nice work!
That and the third one are my favorites. He looks defeated in the fourth one to me. I don't know what he's looking at, and it makes him seem "spaced out."

Yeah, the shots through the furnace were tough. I had a shot in mind, and it never quite materialized the way I hoped. I'll definitely try again. Thanks for the comments.

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