Good enough??


TPF Noob!
Dec 23, 2007
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
tried to do some PP for a pic i took some time back.. would appreciate any comments or suggestions to do this better




Wow that's amazing, how did you do this?
I find it way too saturated now.
There are too many blues in particular.
But I must admit it was a tough one from the beginning. Not easy to work on that photo, but not impossible, either.
I see you say your photos are OK to edit, so I tried my hand at this one, and here is my very quick edit (you need not like it, it's a mere suggestion):


As you can see, I also cropped your image just a bit in order to move the horizon line out of the centre and just a tad upwards, assuming you like the reflections on the water so much you want to keep ALL the water inside your frame (?).
Yah, I agree, it's a little too saturated. When I first started to edit photos I did the same thing. Just remember, you want to make the photo more aesthetically pleasing without warping it out. But for a first attempt that was great!!
Thanks a lot for all the comments!
Many Thanks Corinna for all the patience and the edited version.. as always :D

Well, a natural BLUE lover that I am, I tend to go overboard with it sometimes and make it look too saturated.. thats why I would like to get some general opinion now and then ;)

@ Fang:

didnt do all that much only single layer stuff in CS3
-bumped up the colors a bit changing it to LAB mode and back to RGB
-Quick selected some specific areas and increased the contrast, shadow/highlights etc
-The sky in the original was too plain and boring so replaced the whole thing with an artificial one.

Any more comments on the sky? could it have been better?
-The sky in the original was too plain and boring so replaced the whole thing with an artificial one.

Ah! :idea:
That explaines how you got thin clouds to be there! I searched for them and searched and searched and couldn't find them! Little cheater that you are :lmao: !!!
Ah! :idea:
That explaines how you got thin clouds to be there! I searched for them and searched and searched and couldn't find them! Little cheater that you are :lmao: !!!

hahahaa!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

got myself a sweet plugin that does this sky stuff... fully customizable clouds, brightness etc... the skies around here (in all Tropics I guess) are too plain and too light almost all the time...

and fgt to add, I bumped up the Lightness of the water a bit...
Yea, I agree with the others about it being to saturated. Something you want to ask yourself after you have upped the saturation is, Are there colors where they shouldn't be in comparison to the original photo.

Such as the blues on the building.

Im gonna try an edit of it real quick.

*edit* heh, i gave up on it. Mine was turning out just about the same as lafotos.

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