JOAT TPF Noob! Joined Jan 3, 2006 Messages 435 Reaction score 11 Location Toronto May 30, 2006 #1 My son of course Here's few recent ones. My uncle and Jarius at the rodeo what are you looking at? No!....Not more pictures! Sporting a Steve Nash hair do
My son of course Here's few recent ones. My uncle and Jarius at the rodeo what are you looking at? No!....Not more pictures! Sporting a Steve Nash hair do
LaFoto Just Corinna in real life Staff member Supporting Member Joined Feb 1, 2004 Messages 34,813 Reaction score 822 Location Lower Saxony, Germany Can others edit my Photos Photos NOT OK to edit May 30, 2006 #2 He is so cute! And his expressions are just priceless. I want to cuddle him! There's not one among these that I would say I don't like for a reason - I just love them all! But with this kid of yours you simply cannot go wrong, now can you?
He is so cute! And his expressions are just priceless. I want to cuddle him! There's not one among these that I would say I don't like for a reason - I just love them all! But with this kid of yours you simply cannot go wrong, now can you?
JEazy TPF Noob! Joined May 22, 2006 Messages 388 Reaction score 0 May 30, 2006 #3 haha cute kid! love the facial expressions.
Antarctican No longer a newbie, moving up! Joined Jan 10, 2006 Messages 24,892 Reaction score 81 Location The Great White North Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit May 30, 2006 #4 Great expressions. Love the last one, with those biiiiig eyes...what a cutie.
OP OP JOAT TPF Noob! Joined Jan 3, 2006 Messages 435 Reaction score 11 Location Toronto Jun 1, 2006 #5 he..he.. thanx guys, I can't wait until he's old enough to take pics of his own