Heading West


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Nov 12, 2018
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Evergreen, CO
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Since I moved to Colorado several years ago this view has always caught my eye heading west on I70 out of Denver, and since I took up photography (again-kinda) 2 years ago I've wanted to shoot this viewpoint. I missed the sunrise lighting I really wanted by a few minutes, and I'm not sure if the haze from wildfire smoke adds or detracts from the image...but I think it passes for a first attempt. It's a strange feeling standing on a bridge over a busy highway taking photos, although I did receive a few "friendly" honks by some passing by underneath (at least I interpreted them that way :) ) C&C always welcome.

Buffalo overlook by matt gates, on Flickr
Well taken. I like the layers. Might be worth a little de-haze and a slight wb tweek as it has an overall bluish tinge.
Great image. I like the mountains in the background but capturing that swale in the highway makes it a great leading line.
Exactly what K9 Kirk said.
Agree with K9kirk above ..great spot, talk about a leading line. :)
Good job on light trails.
Any vibration on the bridge for the shot?

There was a bit when cars drove across it, but luckily the crossing traffic was limited at this time.
Since I moved to Colorado several years ago this view has always caught my eye heading west on I70 out of Denver, and since I took up photography (again-kinda) 2 years ago I've wanted to shoot this viewpoint. I missed the sunrise lighting I really wanted by a few minutes, and I'm not sure if the haze from wildfire smoke adds or detracts from the image...but I think it passes for a first attempt. It's a strange feeling standing on a bridge over a busy highway taking photos, although I did receive a few "friendly" honks by some passing by underneath (at least I interpreted them that way :) ) C&C always welcome.

Buffalo overlook by matt gates, on Flickr

I was in Colorado last year. I know the area you photographed. I pulled over at one point to try to get that shot.

You did it much better than I did.

Great shot.
Nice! I try and avoid I-70 as much as possible as it seems to be a parking lot, both directions many days...UGH :-)

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