Help LR4 disappeared


TPF Noob!
Nov 28, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I upgraded from LR2 to LR 4.3 a few months ago. While using Lightroom 4.3 today I must of hit a wrong key and the program (and pictures other than those backed up) has disappeared. When I go up to "spotlight" and type in Lightroom, the only icon is the LR2 and not LR4. Any ideas on how to get it back? When I hit on spotlight there is a Lightroom_4_LS11_mac_4_3 but this seems to be an installation package.
Mac 10.6.8 on a Macbook Pro
Don't shut down as it is there somewhere ...there is a program Easy Find that is better than spotlight ...down load Easy Find and use it to discover where LR4 went light sucks
thanks for the help. When I go to spotlight and type in "Lightroom catalog" I get several choices but they all say "Lightroom 2 catalog.Ircat". When I click on this I can get into my original downloaded LR4 but w/o the pictures I have loaded since originally upgrading to LR4. But then if I go in to File on the men bar I see a list of:
Lightroom 4 catalog.Ircat
Lightrrom 4 catalog-2.Ircat
Lightroom 2 catalog.Ircat
If I choose the first of these 3 I can get Lightroom4 with all my pictures including the newer pictures. However, when I close LR and go back to spotlight I still only seen LR 2 and have to go through the above process again to pull up current LR4 version.
Have not tried Easyfind yet but will search the internet for it now.
when I downloaded Easy Find it states to attach an iphone, ipod or ipad. Before I actually buy it, does it also work for my computer fileds? or is it only for these accessory devices?
Just a thought. Did you accidentally remove it from the dock? Have you looked in the applications folder? Or checked the trash?

If all else fails time machine is your friend here. Go back a couple hours and you'll probably be fine, assuming you have been using time machine for backups.
It it opens when you click the appropriate catalog, it must still be there in the same spot.

It just not be listed by whatever that app that runs that band along the bottom.
Those are only links to the actual program, I imagine.
Why not do a search on Application missing from "whatever that thing is called"
I now have LR4 in the dock. but when I close LR then it is not findable in "spotlight" and I have to go type in "lightroom catalog" in spotlight and go through the process I listed above.

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