High/Low Key, Second Attempt.

Bitter Jeweler

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Apr 27, 2009
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Cleveland, Ohio
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OK, maybe not the best subject for the low key shot, since the petals are translucent. :grumpy: I did do some burning to help it out.


For the high key shot, I did use some (on board) flash, diffused with a paper towel.
I also lit the background with an LED flash light.


Do these work? I am trying to come up with some more subject matter to shoot, and thinking about going to buy a flash. :meh:
1. Definitely works for low-key, and the bright petals in the back add contrast. Pretty powerful image of something so simple. Good composition never hurts either.

2. I took a super-quick glance at this one, and it almost looked like a negative of the first (okay, maybe not so much). I know that typically the result of a high key is sort of a light-hearted, happy pic. Personally, anything that goes against what is 'suppose to be' tends to be more striking to me.

Thanks for showing as always :thumbup:

Happy and light-hearted is boring. That's why I chose the dying Orchid for this experiment. I figured it would be good for the low key, and even better for contrasting the high key mood.

Thanks for the comments.

Hmm...after stepping away, and coming back, I see I could have aimed the background light a little higher to hit behind the dark part of the flower, which would have also brought a little more darkness to the background area of the lightest part of the flower.

[edit] Ok, I tried it. I dunno if it helps much.

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Looks very nice. They both do a good job representing hi/low key shots. My only gripe would be that they are composed the same, but they are very good shots! Nice work as usual!
I eliminated composition as a variable in favor of technique. I wanted to see if the same image worked both ways, or, which would be better. This was also the first time I placed backgrounds and played with lighting. If I used different compositions, the viewer could be swayed one way or another by that alone.
I never thought of doing a high key & low key shot of the same subject in the same composition. Cool idea.

I like the low key one more.
Hmmm...everyone seems to favor the low key one. I thought the opposite would be true.

I tried 2 more and I like these in color. (these are not the shots used to make the first 2)

Pass? Fail?


Love this second set!! The color is beautiful. Very natural and peaceful. I want those colors in my bedroom and these pictures would look lovely on the wall.

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