hookin up thru text..

I never got into texting. Or chat much. And I *hate* chat speak. If I get an e-mail that uses R, U, or ne1, I tend to just dump it. I don't think I've sent a text message yet. But then it didn't really show up until I was well into adulthood.
Toothing is popular on London commuter trains. According to the Metro anyway!


EDIT: Toothing is sending messages by bluetooth!
Rob said:
Toothing is popular on London commuter trains. According to the Metro anyway!


EDIT: Toothing is sending messages by bluetooth!

theres a few pubs in Reading thats good for that :lol: I had about 4mb's worth of pics and vids toothed to me one night
Rob said:
Any good ones? :lmao: Send em on!


yeah loads but better not attach them here :lol: :lol: :lol:
about 5 people in the office have been toothing videos and ringtones around.


*is just jealous*

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