How do you find new models????

I am actually much more nervous when I take images of friends and family since they expect something from me, they might be dissappointed ... with stranger it is different :p

But then I am not that experienced in portraiture ... so things might change some day.

Not me. I use family all the time, and they are actually my best paying customers. It helps to be part of a large family, where there is always someone at a different age. So far, they havent been disapppointed, and they still schedule sessions with me. But I am looking for new faces, ones I dont see all the time. Not that there is anything wrong with family or friends faces. But I desire to expand my horizons. :)

Alex, I agree with Cindy. I dont think you would have any problem with portraiture. Based on your history of work, you could put out some quality work if you wanted to go that route. :)
I've seen your work and it is stunningly good. They won't be disappointed. What I've seen from my family is more like, "Dang, that silly girl can actually take a "pitcher"! Lol.
Also, a tip is to TREAT them like a client. Be very businesslike. Treat them exactly the same way as you would a paying client. Funny thing is they stop acting like family, and start acting like a client. (in a good way).
You already know them, and you know at what angle is most flattering to them. You know that quirky real smile vs the photo one. In actuality, you should be able to photograph them better than anyone. And they will see that.
But beware, once they find out they have a photog in the family, you will never get a moment's rest! I've gotten to where I just tell people, "Darn! I can't believe I forgot my camera at home!!!!!!"
Try it. You'll be a hero. You are very very talented.

I hear ya Cindy, and thanks for the very kind words!

I don't seem to get much response...

"Excuse me, mam, I want to shoot your daughter" doesn't seem to work very well.

Not really much of a problem since I pretty well only photograph critters anyway.

Ya, something about that statement might not sound too good to people.. :lol:
One thing to note...especially when dealing with families & children. If you offer them something free or almost free...they won't respect your time. You might find that they make an appointment with you...only to not show up etc. By charging a give your work value and they would/should respect that.

I know that they whole point was to get more people for your portfolio...but even careful of giving away too much...or worse, building up a reputation as a 'cheap' photographer.

It's a fine line between finding people to shoot and charging too much to make it work...but I'm just suggesting that you think about it.

The exception would be when working with a model, or people who could be models...because they have the potential to make for outstanding portfolio shots. I don't mean to sound snobbish...I know that anyone can be 'portfolio worth'...but do you get what I'm trying to say?

Of course, if they are friends and family, that's different. Do them for are helping them and they are helping you. But it starts to get fuzzy when you are doing it for free, for a friend of a friend etc.

Ya, I know its a fine line. I go back and forth about prices all the time. I want people to approach me for work, based on the merit of my work alone, and not have cost be a barrier for them. I dont charge outlandish prices by any means. Its right around the average for my area. But the appointments dont happen as often as I would like for people outside the "family and friends" network. I guess it all comes down to marketing myself the right way. Thanks for your input Mike. :)
Besides offering the business card you could do what my Professor recommended: To make the subject/stranger comfortable show them a 4x6 Portfolio and they'll you're talking seriously. Business cards always help! Good Luck!
I've seen your work and it is stunningly good. They won't be disappointed.

Thanks for all those kind words :)

But beware, once they find out they have a photog in the family, you will never get a moment's rest!

Oh, they actually do know! But not many of them know my portfolio so they are not overexcited and do not push me to take images of them ;)

Also, most of my relatives live not too close so I do not see them regularly, so there is no real threat ... or chance ;)
So far I have mainly been asked to take images of dogs, gardens/flowers, things which need to be sold and such ... ;)

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