I am thankful for.....


Swiss Army Friend
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Jun 21, 2004
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Thought I would start a thread for the things we are thankful for...a fun way to remember the positives in a sometimes seemingly negative world :)

Doesn't have to be something big, and hopefully we can keep this thread going for a long time to come.

So here goes:

Today I am thankful that they had Turkey dinner for lunch at work. YUM!
And I am thankful that I will get to see my boys from this evening until Saturday evening.
i am thankful for:

good friends
free will
people in my past who have shaped my future
my job
cheddar cheese

I am thankfull that my wife and I are going to be blessed with our first child. I am also very thankfull that we did not have to endure the nightmares many of my friends have dealt with trying to get to the same point.

Oh and I am also thankful for the advent of digital cameras! :thumbsup:
for being able to afford to go to college
finding this forum to help me out with photography

that's good for now :)
I am thankful... :love:

For my family and friends.
For this forum because without it, I would have missed out on meeting some awesome people that have become really good friends.
For all the good fortune in my life.
I am thankful for....

sweet cuddles, hugs, and kisses from those you love

the smiles on the faces of my childrens group kids

one day a week to sleep in

a customer with a kind word rather than a complaint

warm sun and a gentle breeze

beautiful fall colors

witty jokes to make me laugh

my kitty who knows exactly when I am having a bad day and need a good purrrrrr

friends who will still be there for me, even when I've been a depressing downer for a long time

a hot meal that isn't ramen noodles

the ability to be able to pursue my dreams and passoins

Those are just a few....:)
Im thankful for....

Having such a great thread to list the things I am thankful for.

The people in my life who have supplied me with a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food in my belly, and love in my heart.

Having such great friends.

Computers, internet and telephones, sounds stupid but without them I think I would be lost.

L :heart: V E

Being free to make my own decisions.


Those who are no longer with us, but who have brightened our lives.
Karalee said:
Im thankful for....

Having such a great thread to list the things I am thankful for.

Cash donations to show your thankfulness will be accepted via Paypal :)

You're welcome :)
Great thread!

I am thankful for...

My wonderful husband of 13+ years

A beautiful, bright, healthy little girl

Friends and family

A good job in a positive environment

Good health

Freedom to live, learn, dress, worship, chose, as I wish

A roof over our heads and reliable cars

and...low carb pecan ice cream from Schwans :thumbsup:
I am thankful for good friends with even better senses of humor :thumbsup:
I am thankful for....

Chase said:
To MY account of course ;)

the dodgy admins who hijacks thankful threads ;)
A really great forum!
Everybody here who hasn't been banned :p
seriously, everybody here :love:
A special shout out to all the southern hemispherian folks
A very special shout out to Mandapants ;)
being able to collect seafood off the shore without worrying about contamination
the atlanta braves at least won 1 world series
being employed
my trusty D10
Sophie Ellis Baxtor, cause she's a babe and and I can shake my arse to her music ;)
having the opportunity to live in 3 great fabulous countries over the course of my life :D
Oh, another thing...I am thankful that, of my 22 years on this earth, my grampa was around to watch me grow up for 17 of them. I miss grampa...when he was around, nothing bad could happen to me.

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