I Found a Way to Heaven! (C&C this please)


TPF Noob!
Mar 15, 2012
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Well, today I was just taking a walk on a rather depressing, non-sunny day and suddenly saw a great shot of the sky. So being me, I ran into the middle of the road to take a shot haha.
I like how the road seems to go into the photo... :)
Your critique and comments are appreciated.... even the mean ones lol

The clouds are nice, I'd straighten the road a bit and go single image HDR with it though. All the dark stuff to the sides keeps me, the viewer from flying away into those clouds at the end of the ramp. Splitting it in two and mirroring one side might be interesting too.
Thanks for the critiques guys :)
I'll keep it in mind next time.
I also took this photo today. I think this one emphasizes the clouds a bit more.


I like the first one; it would come out best if adjusting the brightness

In the second and and third it would be good if some strip of land is available...landscapes are always better with some land... i think the last would be better if almost the half top portion is removed; at least you may try on it

Regards :D

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