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I'd like to meet...


TPF Noob!
Apr 8, 2007
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Norfolk, VA.
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I've been seeing a lot of random question posts lately. I thought I'd throw one in the ring.

Who are 3 people that you'd like to meet (living, not like the resurrection thread in here) and why?

I'd like to meet...

Steve Martin because I love his later work as an actor but more as a play write and novelist. He has written one of my favorite books as of late; "The Pleasure Of My Company". Plus he's a great musician too. I know that he is a bit on the shy side in person but I'd like to hang around with him for awhile.

Tom Hanks and Family. Just because! I think his work speaks for itself.

The Nikon guy that gives away free cameras and equipment to people that will get paid to review the new toys! =o)
Steve McCurry - his photo journalistic work stands for itself

Alex Lifeson - so he could give me guitar lessons

The bloke who imports Weetabix into Saudi Arabia, so we could discuss the concept of supply and demand
Michael Peters- Ultimate Drifter
Jeff Dunham- Worlds best ventriliquist (go youtube him)
Tila Tequila-Just b/c
I can't decide between Eddie Izzard and Robin Williams. The other two would be Noam Chomsky and Paul Farmer.
That wasn't a personal thing... I just don't get it. I respect your gumption!
James Dean

My great grandfather, Antonio Bertapelle

Myself 20 years ago. Being 35 now I'd like to have a chat with myself at 15.

Oh crap they have to be living, that makes it tougher....

George W. Bush so I could spit on him.

Kate Beckinsale so I could admire her beauty.

Myself 20 years ago.
The woman of my dreams - obvious reasons
Kevin Smith - I'd like to play poker with him for a chance to be his pretege.
Hugh Heffner - Parties, business, stories. We'd have so much to talk about. Plus I'd want to play poker with him for a chance to be his protege.
Eric Clapton - just 'cause

Norman Swartzkoff - because I can't talk to Patton

John Shaw - Awesome landscape and nature work
my mom before she was sick.
I can't decide between Eddie Izzard and Robin Williams. The other two would be Noam Chomsky and Paul Farmer.

eddie izzard lives three doors away from me..

my answer would be.........................

nobody really
I've just added Pam Anderson to my list! She's magical assistant of the year! (Who knew?)
3 people I'd like to meet???? tricky one but here goes...

1 Doenoe
2 Airic
3 Alex_B

cos I want to 'borrow' some of their photographic talent

* by borrow I mean steal, its not fair they take better photos than me :lol:

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