Lacey & Peter

Village Idiot

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Mar 20, 2008
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Shepherdsturd, WV / Almost, MD
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This was shot at Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia at the Strobist meet we had several weeks ago. Used a B800 with a soft box feathered across the guy's back and a speedotron brown line with a big beauty dish held up in the air by another photographer working with me to light the female model.

B&W in post with grain added for that old film noir type look.

Another interesting thing is that I went to see Transformers 2 this morning. Any one that's seen it recognize the hall way?

Good shot.

Yes, I saw the new Transformers. EPIC MOVIE!! Anyways, that's the area that they went right after Optimus died to hide out for the night. It was Bumblebee, the Twins, Mikaela, Sam, and his roommate. On the other side of that gate is where Sam crushed his roommates phone. :)
eastern state pen is one of our favorite spots!
we've only been once, and it was pre-dslr for me, so we are planning on going back...we really wanna do one of the ghost walks too...
sry for the tangent;)

you NAILED the film noir look of this. i love it. looks like a screenshot from a hitchcock.
Great shot!! I like it. It give me the feel of the 60's

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