Lake of Fire


TPF Noob!
May 10, 2012
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Coimbra, Portugal
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Lagoa do Fogo (English: Lagoon of Fire) is a crater lake within the Agua de Pau stratovolcano in the center of the island of São Miguel in the Azores. The governmental authorities do not allow any modern construction around this lake. This lake is the highest above sea level on São Miguel Island.

Max. length: 3 km
Max. width: 2.5 km
Surface area: 136 ha
Max. depth: 30 m
Surface elevation: 575 m

Lagoa do Fogo (English: Lagoon of Fire) is a crater lake within the Agua de Pau stratovolcano in the center of the island of São Miguel in the Azores. The governmental authorities do not allow any modern construction around this lake. This lake is the highest above sea level on São Miguel Island.

Max. length: 3 km
Max. width: 2.5 km
Surface area: 136 ha
Max. depth: 30 m
Surface elevation: 575 m

Love the colours in this picture, especially the water. I presume you took it from another cliff.
Yes, the lake is inside the old crater of an extinct volcano. The photo is taken from the ridge around it (kind of like the peaks you can seen in the distance).

Here's a lower POV, and a wider angle:

Blue Lagoon by joaopsr, on Flickr
I want to jump in and swim! Yes, the color of the water is amazing. I'd like to see more attention on that water, or on the landscape. What is that intense green stuff near the beach?

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