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Lens advice


TPF Noob!
Mar 25, 2014
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Charleston, SC
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I have a d7100. I have a 28-300mm lens but really want something that I can get closer wildlife shots. I'm trying to read but I'm getting confused...converters, lenses....what do I want?? I would love a couple different options that I can price out! Thanks!!
I have a d7100. I have a 28-300mm lens but really want something that I can get closer wildlife shots. I'm trying to read but I'm getting confused...converters, lenses....what do I want?? I would love a couple different options that I can price out! Thanks!!

You want a bigma
I have a d7100. I have a 28-300mm lens but really want something that I can get closer wildlife shots. I'm trying to read but I'm getting confused...converters, lenses....what do I want?? I would love a couple different options that I can price out! Thanks!!

Either the Tamron 150-600 ($1069) or a Nikkor 800/5.6 (a refurb'd is listed on ebay for $15Large).
The new Tamron that is coming out soon (I think) that Sparky referenced seems to have a LOT of preliminary reviews that herald it as a wonderful lens. Maybe wait for that one?

I have a d7100. I have a 28-300mm lens but really want something that I can get closer wildlife shots. I'm trying to read but I'm getting confused...converters, lenses....what do I want?? I would love a couple different options that I can price out! Thanks!!

Ok, quick note on teleconverters, they cut the amount of light coming in and increase your effective fstop, so unless you have fast glass they usually don't prove to be very useful. On my 70-200 mm f2.8 the 2x converter lets me go to 140-400 at 5.6 and it works pretty well, but on slower glass losing those 2 fstops will often interfere with the cameras ability to autofocus.

Tamrons new 150-600 mm zoom hasn't been released in the nikon mount yet but I would probably wait till it hits the shelves for nikon, even if you decide to go with say a used 150-500 they will be much cheaper as many will start selling them off when they upgrade.

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk
Thanks everyone!!! For $1069 and the things I've read here, the Tamron seems like something for me! I like the idea of getting a lens that isn't insanely expensive but will still do a good job...especially considering that I'm sooooo new!

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