Lil' Rosebud


TPF Noob!
May 17, 2006
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This sweet lil' thing popped up in front of my grandfather's house last month:lovey: I know it's a lot of contrast, I like it that way:p

Lovely colour you managed to capture here, and I love photos of buds, they are always so full of promise for more to come.
Welcome to ThePhotoForum, I have seen your self-portrait, nice camera you got yourself, good grip or not, I have the same, that's why I say so :biggrin:

This one is very, very contrasted, but you like it that way, as you are saying, and it is a little oversharpened, I should say, with the white metallic bits in the flower, I guess you just used too sharp and unsharp mask, maybe?
LaFoto said:
Lovely colour you managed to capture here, and I love photos of buds, they are always so full of promise for more to come.
Welcome to ThePhotoForum, I have seen your self-portrait, nice camera you got yourself, good grip or not, I have the same, that's why I say so :biggrin:

This one is very, very contrasted, but you like it that way, as you are saying, and it is a little oversharpened, I should say, with the white metallic bits in the flower, I guess you just used too sharp and unsharp mask, maybe?

Thanks for the warm welcome:) I love photos of buds as well! I'm waiting for a chance to capture one once an hour as it changes, tons o' fun:mrgreen:

Yup! Guilty on the unsharp mask...what can I say? I'm on a college-budget, with a factory lens, and a sucker for detail :) :mrgreen:
No probs with detail --- too much of it becomes too obvious though, and you might want to watch it.
What I learned right here on TPF is that you have to keep both threshold and radius quite low to avoid these "halos", as they are also called.
LaFoto said:
No probs with detail --- too much of it becomes too obvious though, and you might want to watch it.
What I learned right here on TPF is that you have to keep both threshold and radius quite low to avoid these "halos", as they are also called.

Hmmm definitely some stuff to think about...thanks for the tips:) You are quite helpful.
nicely captured..... it does look a tad sharp, but that can be easily adjusted... good colour :thumbup:
Archangel said:
nicely captured..... it does look a tad sharp, but that can be easily adjusted... good colour :thumbup:

Thanks :) So there's a way to fix my overlysharpenedness without losing the detail? Please do clue me in :mrgreen:

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