Lowel Omni / Tota Lights LED Question


TPF Noob!
Jun 11, 2011
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I just picked up 2 Omni and 1 Tota lights with hard case and stands for $20USD at a thrift store and I had a question about them.
They all work great but they all have the 500 watt, super hot halogen bulb.
There is a place for using those bulbs but, I was wondering if there is a way to use an LED bulb in these? Or if there is an LED conversion kit?
I know it would not be as bright if it were possible, but in some instances, the tradeoff would be worth it.
Thanks a lot!
I have used both the Omni and the Tota lights for about six assignments, back in the 1980's; these are VERY bright, bright lamps, and are designed to be used with either metal diffusers/scrims/modifiers, or with flame-proof synthetic diffusers, bounce boards,etc. Unless you're equipped with some good modifier materials, like TuffSpun, or flame-resistant screen materials, these are BLINDINGLY BRIGHT lamps when pointed toward people.

I'm not sure if there are LED lamps that would fit into these. The "secret", the "trick" to using these lamps is in how they are modified to do the lighting task that is at hand, on each particular day. There is a real reason for these lights and their continued existence: they output a LOT of light, but...it is "raw,unmodified" light. You absolutely MUST HAVE some of the accessories designed to modify the light for regular still or video uses. Until you have modifiers, consider aiming them literally, "backwards", at walls, and ceilings, and into corners, or off of doors, to create pretty workable light that does not blind people.
Wow, that was a great deal, congrats ;)
Those FTK and EMD lamps are really small and put out a lot of light. So Derrel is correct - they create a really hard light and it is hard to look into them. However, for photography they are still not as brigtht as even smaller flashes.

Anyway considering the small lamp size - even if there were replacement LEDs (I couldn´t find some doing a quick google search), they would really only create very little light. Especially with FTK and similar sockets, the LEDs I know rather emit the light to the sides than to the front which is quite a downside, even though the reflector would pick up the light and distribute it.

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