Marten Creek


TPF Noob!
May 3, 2007
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Everett, WA
Can others edit my Photos
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I finally broke down and bought my ultrawide lens (Pentax 12-24mm F4) and that meant I *HAD* to break it in! I didn't feel like driving a ton so I decided to head up the Mountain Loop Highway outside the town of Granite Falls and revisit Marten Creek. I hiked this last winter but reasons I can't explain, I never took any photos. In hindsight, I remembered that there were some nice stretches along the creek so back I went.

While not a long hike, it does have a steep beginning and along the way, you pass through an ongoing research plot that the Forest Service monitors:


The study evaluates the correlation of Douglas Fir growth based on seed sources taken from across the Pacific Northwest. There is a second sign nearby which summarizes what they learned back in 1960. The steepness continues for a bit further and then relents as you enter the upper valley. At that point, exploration of the creek is possible...
















All in all, a nice afternoon of photo taking despite the steady rain/sleet.
Very nice group of shots and an interesting area. We have an experimental forest near here too, but I never have figured out what they were experimenting with. What's they learn?
They probably learn about the growth patterns, competition, and succession of the plants or trees they're studying. In other words, a forest of type X, left undisturbed, will develop in what way?

Very nice job with the photos, too, and I wish I were there! However I think that you could use the wide-angle to even better effect... getting closer and really using that perspective distortion to your advantage.
You know, I *KNEW* I should have photographed the second sign with the study findings! :lol:

David's pretty close with his guess. Douglas Fir has always been highly prized tree for lumber due to its quality and fast growth rate. This study investigated any regional differences that may exist in Douglas Fir. Seeds were collected from the nearby forests around the town of Darrington as well as locations in the South Cascades of Washington and were planted after a fire at this location in 1915.

Some of the characteristics that they looked at that I can remember were things such as the timing of new growth buds and growth form of limbs (compared to their "parents"). Keep in mind, in the 1910s, conservation meant replant trees so that they can be cut back down for lumber. A straight, true tree would be highly valuable...

David your point about using the wide angle for different perspectives is a good one. I'm definately trying to feel things out. I did try to use some downward perspectives with #4 & 7, though.

Thanks for the comments!

David's pretty close with his guess...

Woohoo! (Not that I live in the midst of a vast wilderness or anything...)

David your point about using the wide angle for different perspectives is a good one. I'm definately trying to feel things out. I did try to use some downward perspectives with #4 & 7, though.

True, steve -- although looking again, I actually think that #8 is your best example of using a wide-angle. I also am a big fan of the misty background in #1.

Here are two random example of using a wide-angle in the way that I'm thinking of. First, Zoooooom -- with the trees whipping past on the sides. Second, Blue Ice, in which I was about 3 inches away from the ice in that photo -- wide angles let you jam your nose right into the face of your subject, which is really why I like them. :)

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