Meade / Orion / Coronado Telescope Company Gone?


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Oct 21, 2016
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It appears that the Meade, Orion and Coronada telescope compan(y? ies?) is/are gone. This is a major company in the industry and being essentially a North American manufacturing company means that we might be losing the whole industry. I hope not, but. . . .

"Meade, Orion & Coronado Fire Staff & Close Offices",
posted by "Dylan O'Donnell" Jul 14, 2024,
[length ~9:01]
I admire the night owls doing there astro photography, im in bed when the stars come out though unless it's backyard camping season.
What is particularly sad for "us" is that this is probably the last company relevant to the photographic industry in North America. Granted "astro" is a specialized niche, but that's what was left. If Meade is gone, then now there is probably nothing. NOTE: as far as I know, Celestron makes their telescopes in China, and I think it is now owned by a Chinese company. But I have no plans to research it. . . .
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John Dobson may become relevant again. Folks will have to make their own telescopes if Celestron folds too.
Who looks up anymore. We are all too busy looking DOWN at are phones. Besides NASA spent a lot of money to look up for us.
Who looks up anymore. We are all too busy looking DOWN at are phones. Besides NASA spent a lot of money to look up for us.
Here's something: If a large enough meteor hits the moon and it makes a significant change, and you are the first to identify that change, then you might get to name it. Would you like to be able to brag about "Webstang64's Crater"? The moon is constantly changing, but mostly the changes are small and slow. The larger changes are generally rarer. But they can still happen.

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