Model, Katherine.


TPF Noob!
May 1, 2007
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Ok shes not really a model, she's my wife. Thought I would share these anyway. Nothing special, just testing the new muslin. Lets hear your thoughts.



almost looks like a different girl in every photo
i really like the first one, it really has exactly the right DOF for this sort of shot.

The second image, well, IMHO her pose does not go well with the rath short focal length used, ... unless .. you WANT to emphasise on the lower parts of her body. It is not really charming for her body proportions. If you had used more of a telephoto lens her body parts would be more shown to real scale.

just a thought.
I agree. The angles that you chose in #2 and #3 are not particularly flattering to a woman. Also, the focus on her face in #2 is too soft.

She is obviously a lovely enough model. And her expressions are good. So, the poses should give focus more to her face.

#1 is interesting, but my eyes keep wanting to drift to the right and try to focus on the face. I think a wide angle focus on both the phone and her face would have worked better in this instance.
Thanks for the C&C, I agree completely. I like the first one as is, but the other two really were just a test of the new muslin. Gotta play with new toys right?
You have a lovely wife. Three interests me the most but her hand on her abdomen. Draws my attention more than the Focus. Maybe a different crop?

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