My best friend...C&C welcome....


TPF Noob!
Nov 24, 2010
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I think more than anything with this shot - I captured my dogs personality. He's a loyal companion, very sweet, and loving.

I was trying out my Canon 50mm 1.8 -

Camera: Canon EOS 30D
Shutter: 1/320 sec
Aperture: f/5.0
Distance: 50mm
ISO: 500
Sunlight was my only lighting...

My mother would like this picture to be printed for her since he is getting older - but I'm still not sure I'm content with it. I would like to shoot it and stop down another f/ or 2 so his muzzle is completely in focus. Is there something else I could work on that you all notice?

Note: I know I need to crop that light off the far right bottom part of the image...just haven't gotten around to it yet. ;)

The image she wants printed:

Lovely dog. I wish I could see part of his ear in the first pic. And if you do get it printed don't forget to clone out the eye boogers.
Lovely dog. I wish I could see part of his ear in the first pic. And if you do get it printed don't forget to clone out the eye boogers.

Do you think it would be better to crop the ear out completely or make sure it's in the photo fully?

The eye boogers will be gone ;)
I'm not sure, I think the first photo is great. I just would like to see what it would look like with some of his/her ear in it. The light is nice, almost looks like its behind a cookie even though you said it was sunlight.
Thank you :)

He, Remy, was laying on the bed looking out the window around sunset and the sun happened to be right in his eye. He is getting a bath tonight so I'm going to try and shoot some pictures of his tomorrow and work on a few things. Here is a pic w/o his ear in the shot.


Better? No?
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They both look good to me. I see now that he does in fact have part of his ear in the first shot I just cant see the back end of it. Man look at his jowls lol I bet when he drinks he leaves a river in his wake. Can't wait to see tomorrows shots. He's a cutey for sure.

Better? No?

Better, Yes! Did you know that Dogs taste with their nose? They wet their noses with their tongue to enhance the scent of what they are tasting through their nose.
They both look good to me. I see now that he does in fact have part of his ear in the first shot I just cant see the back end of it. Man look at his jowls lol I bet when he drinks he leaves a river in his wake. Can't wait to see tomorrows shots. He's a cutey for sure.

Thank you Dee :) I will try to get some shots with his ear in the frame tomorrow. We'll just have to see how the light is in the afternoon.

Yeah he does get water everywhere...but he makes up for it by cleaning the scraps of food up off the floor. :lol: :p
I love it!
Is that an American Bulldog?

Thank you :) :)

He is actually an all white Boxer. They are kinda rare because most breeders kill them at birth because they can't be shown in competitions. That makes me so mad!!!!! :x :x :x But we know a breeder who gives them away to good families and we happened to be one of the lucky 3. :)

Here is another shot I took today...tried to get the ear in. ;) C&C Welcome!


Camera: Canon EOS 30D
Shutter Speed: 1/500
Aperture: f/5.0
ISO: 320
Focal Length: 50mm

Notes: Converted to B&W, lightened eyes and sharpened them.

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