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My personal favourite photo from 2007


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 10, 2006
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Well I've taken a lot of shots this year including, aviation, night shots, landscapes, wildlife and even shots of people at 1 meetup and 2 mini meetups but this one shot is without doubt my favourite.

Think its because of the sadness in his eyes.

And before any of you say anything, no it's not an Otter!!

I've posted a small version of this before but here is a high res uncompressed one.

Oh yeah! That is the in the top 1%... Just Perfect. :thumbup: You must of had felt the shutter finger of GOD that day! Congrates.

:hugs: Nice choice. You have so many really super shots, it must have been tough to narrow it down.
definitely a good shot. Technically perfect, and a great emotion captured. congrats.
Aw, I think it's beautiful. I love everything about it.
i remember, if i remember right... great shot :)
I remember this one.... Haha I printed it out and wrote "like this" on the top of it and hung it behind my computer.:lmao:

Great everything:hail:
(lostprophet told me that when you get to 1000 posts, you get a prize) :er:

And at 10 000 some people implode. So I personally am very afraid!
I would be too, as close as you are... but hey, its only some people right?

I still have a loooong way to go!
cheers evveryone

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