My Quest


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Oct 26, 2018
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New Hampshire
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Inspired by photographs of snowy owls by @MSnowy and @zombiesniper and Jr I am on a quest for my own. Snowys have been seen on Plum Island in Newburyport, MA which is about 30 minutes north of me. So a few times a week I head up there looking for them.

Yesterday was a magnificent morning up there
Quest-3 by Peter Martin, on Flickr

with some rainbows in the mist blowing off the waves.
Quest-2 by Peter Martin, on Flickr

Sadly I spotted no Snowy Owl, but did find the ubiquitous seagull
Quest by Peter Martin, on Flickr
and a few seals basking on some rocks in the Merrimack River.
Quest-5 by Peter Martin, on Flickr

Maybe next trip.
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Nice set. Judging by pics of snowy owls I've seen on other web sites, they like to hang out around sand dunes. Are there sand dunes there? Maybe you'll have better luck next time around.
Nice set. Judging by pics of snowy owls I've seen on other web sites, they like to hang out around sand dunes. Are there sand dunes there? Maybe you'll have better luck next time around.
Yes, there are lots of sand dunes here. They are protected so you can't walk through them. But you can walk the breach along side them and the Snowy Owls have been spotted there.

Yeah #2 is my favorite. Nice job
Nice set!
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Nice set Peter.
Now that you've answered the question "What is your Quest?"
You need to answer the questions:
"What is your favourite colour?"
"What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"
Thank you.


11 meters / second.
I do like the 'tube' in No 2. Good luck with the owls. Never seen one in the wild, though we do occasionally get them in this country but not near me.
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