New to K10D - buttons?


TPF Noob!
Nov 26, 2007
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Playing around with my new camera I know I have alot to learn.

I thought it might be useful to ask this of some of the other group members that have become accustomed to making adjustments to their DSLR cameras.

What were some of the first changes you made in or outdoors? Did you tweak the white balance or change f-stop or !SO?

I am sure I will learn some of this in the Wolf Camera courses I got with the camera but I am just curious what are some commonly used adjustments that can be made apart from the automatic mode.
Playing around with my new camera I know I have alot to learn.

I thought it might be useful to ask this of some of the other group members that have become accustomed to making adjustments to their DSLR cameras.

What were some of the first changes you made in or outdoors? Did you tweak the white balance or change f-stop or !SO?

I am sure I will learn some of this in the Wolf Camera courses I got with the camera but I am just curious what are some commonly used adjustments that can be made apart from the automatic mode.

three things make yoru exposure.

ISO, F/stop, and shutter speed.

The three together will determine how much light is used to make your picture, and whether the thing will come out at all. They all have their purpose..

ie) You need a fast shutter speed to stop the action of a sport, but a slower one to capture motion in a panning shot of a car

you need a large aperture to get smooth bokeh in a macro shot of a flower, but you need a small aperture to get an entire field of pumpkins in focus.

ISO speed the higher you go the more light you get, but you also get choose carefully.

Automatic usually only changes the shutter speed and aperture except on some newer cameras...

You'll get used to making the changes, but let me just tell you. You can't just pick settings and say "oh, these settings work the best on this camera"...because that has nothing to do with it. Settings are chosen based on that exact scene at that exact moment.

Just experiment in manual and see what happens.
First of all you are welcome to photo world, be sure you will enjoy it a lot with K10D. I recommend you to begin with P mode which is unique to Pentax. It automatically adjusts the shutter speed and aperture but by front dial you change the shutter speed by the rear dial you change the aperture value. If you are lost you press the green button near the shutter release button and you are back to beginning values. By changing the values you can examine the effects so can be more familiar to adjustmens ;-)
Thank you both for your help. I am sure I will have fun. I look forward to photography and enjoy these groups. I have been in a couple window cleaning discussion groups for several years.
First of all you are welcome to photo world, be sure you will enjoy it a lot with K10D. I recommend you to begin with P mode which is unique to Pentax. It automatically adjusts the shutter speed and aperture but by front dial you change the shutter speed by the rear dial you change the aperture value. If you are lost you press the green button near the shutter release button and you are back to beginning values. By changing the values you can examine the effects so can be more familiar to adjustmens ;-)

Everyone has P mode. Or when you adjust those things, do they not affect the other? That's kinda neat if so. I know mine if you adjust one, it changes the other...
Everyone has P mode. Or when you adjust those things, do they not affect the other? That's kinda neat if so. I know mine if you adjust one, it changes the other...

At this link it is written that P mode (Hyper Program) is unique to Pentax. I don't exactly know what the others (Canon, Nikon) have in P mode. In my Olympus there is also P mode but it only changes the exposure value so shutter and aperture is automatically adjusted. But in pentax in P mode when you use front dial it becomes shutter priority, and when rear dial it becomes aperture priority. I guess a little different than the others. If you don't want to use Auto mode, P mode can be enjoyable.

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