New with an old photo.


TPF Noob!
Jan 24, 2013
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I'm very much a newbie, I rarely shoot anything other than my two wild two year olds, same shots, different days.. Just recently started dabbling in light room, before I didn't do much editing and when I did it would be on terrible programs. Any way, this is an old shot, probably 5 years+ ago, that I spruced up in lightroom. No cropping done, wish the shot was a little wider, but I'm just looking for comments and opinions on the shot and the edit.. Thanks!


  • $Braun01.jpg
    181.5 KB · Views: 166
I don't know much, but I like how it's cropped!
I like the photo overall!:)
Pretty girl. I agree the crop chops off too much of her head. The stuff on the right adds nothing to the shot. Also, the catch lights are lighting up the whites of her eyes instead of just the irises looks strange. The lighting is to bright on her face and should be toned down. It's hard to see the edge of her nose from her cheek.
posing isn't good. you made her shoulder and arm bigger than it should be
feel way too close to model.

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