Nikon D40 KIT *The best camera "Ken Rockwell's favorite Camera."


TPF Noob!
Jun 17, 2009
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Tulsa, OK
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I have a D40.
It about a month old. Works great no problems. Just don't need it. Moving on up to bigger and better(more expensive) things. :)
Includes the following.

1. Nikon D40 body
2. Phoenix 28-50 lens
3. Nikon 55-200mm lens
4. 2x Telextender
5. Battery charger
6. Battery
7. Carrying Case
8. 2gb SD Card

I think that is everything.
It really is a good camera for what it is. Ken Rockwell swears by it.
I will entertain all offers. Let me know

Price is 475 OBO
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Ahem... Would the person who bought this happen to want a nice 18-105 VR lens to go with it? :D

Congrats on the quick sale!
LOL Maybe I Want A Nice 18-105 VR. Did you ever think about that. Im sticking with NIKON D80 gonna be my back to my hopefully soon to be in my longing loving arms Pray I never drop that thing or I'm gonna beat myself in the head while falling to my knees praying for a miracle D3!!!!!!!!! I see how it is Offer it to him and don't even think about me!!!!

I uh... well... see... OK fine, you're right... I was wr... wrrrrr.... I was wrong. :(

Interested in a nice like new 18-105 VR? Or how about a nice grip for that D80? I have both for sale.

There, I do feel better now. :)
Well I have a grip thank you very much. LOL And unfortunately I do not have the money for you wonderful lens due to my soon purchase of a D3. :) Though I do want to take a second public to thank you oh so very much for offering me a great deal on this lens.... SO with that said. "THANK YOU"
Cheers Mate.

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