

TPF Noob!
Sep 3, 2011
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K I'm not at all familiar with nikon so I need a little help. Nikon D4000 entry level Nikon D7000 mid level and Nikon D700 pro level. Is this correct?
There is no Nikon D4000, but other than that, pretty much.

D40/D3000/3100/5000/5100 entry level
D90/D7000 upper entry level to mid
D300/D300s upper mid/prosumer
D700/D3/D3s/D3x pro(with the D700 being on the border between prosumer and pro, but much closer to the pro end)
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Totally meant d3000 thanks
I get the difference between a D5000 and a D5100. I'm wondering why they went from D3000 to D5000 to D7000. Why wasn't there a D4000 or a D6000? Why do they have a D300 and a D700 but no D400, 500 or 600?
I get the difference between a D5000 and a D5100. I'm wondering why they went from D3000 to D5000 to D7000. Why wasn't there a D4000 or a D6000? Why do they have a D300 and a D700 but no D400, 500 or 600?

Most people assume that it is for future expansion. Leaving certain slots available allows them to use them for future models. For insteance, most assume the d300 replacement will be the d400. The D700 replacement will probably be the d800. Likewise, the D3000 replacement will probably be the d4000.

It just allows Nikon flexibility moving forwards to leave gaps that they can fill at a later date.
Wouldn't the D5000 be the replacement for the D3000? Why not call it the D4000 and then call the new one the D5000. If that theory is true then its going to be D300D < D5000 < D4000.

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