North Beach.


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Jul 21, 2018
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Perth, Western Australia
Can others edit my Photos
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north beach 5.webp
Nice scene, great light and colours. Looks almost lunar in the foreground.
great as usual ... may I ask, do you use for these a physical (square) GND or are you blending that in postprocessing ?
great as usual ... may I ask, do you use for these a physical (square) GND or are you blending that in postprocessing ?
Thanks. I have a "Lee" brand square ND filter and a hard grad. I change then out depending on the light and the shutter speed I want. I shoot in manual mode, usually with ISO set at 100. I also do some post processing in Lightroom afterwards. I did think about learning how to use Photoshop but all that sitting to learn would eat into my photography time lol.
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Can't you stay put on one beach? lol, just kidding.
Nice shot, I like North Beach.

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