Not your grandma's peppers


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Nov 14, 2011
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Grandville, MI
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Just playing around with some peppers I grew this summer.


In the back row are a couple ghost peppers and a red carribean habanero. Front right is a trinidad scorpion and front left is the grand daddy of them all the carolina reaper.
The hab is the "mildest" of the bunch weighing in around 500,000 SHU, the ghost's are around 1,000,000 SCU, the trinidad around 1.2 million SHU and the reaper is 1.5 million+ SHU.
Tried a small (Very Small) sliver of a reaper and can attest to the brute heat those things possess. :icon_eek:
Nice. I grow Reapers too and they are the best. Hot, but so tasty.
Awesome! So any suggestions what to do with these things? I usually will just dry them out and carefully grind them into powder for later use.
Awesome! So any suggestions what to do with these things? I usually will just dry them out and carefully grind them into powder for later use.
Oh man, ok. I usually just cut a whole one up and put it on pizza or in pasta or soup or chili; anything. But at the end of the season when I have a lot I will either do what you do and dehydrate and food process them so I have hot pepper flakes or I make hot sauce with them.

When I make hot sauce with them I will roast them (and some garlic cloves) on the bbq, with a handful of briskets in there, for a few mins to give them a nice smoking. Then boil either white or red cider vinegar, add the peppers (around 20), garlic, a little salt, some carrot, lime and cilantro and then blend them all till smooth. Boil again after, cool and then bottle. Hot as hell, but just as delicious.
I posted this here once before. This was from last year. Carolina Reapers, Butch T Trinidad Scorpions, regular Trinidad Scorpions, Caribbean Reds, and some Cayenne.

Untitled by JAPAMM, on Flickr

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