Paint the Town Red

Majeed Badizadegan

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Jul 14, 2011
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I am always in awe when I visit the Mount Saint Helens blast zone. Just seeing life make such a strong comeback is fascinating.

Paint the Town Red
by Majeed Badizadegan, on Flickr

Original post for reference:
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Zowie wowie! I could say that in a more dignified manner, but why? It's a really nice composition.
Great shot, love the colours and the sunstar.

Once critique if may, i would have composed it slightly higher so the leading line of the hill enters about 1/4 to 1/3 of the way down the image, and also slightly to the left, so that the tree on the left isn't cutoff at the top and occupies the left third, and so the sun nails the top right third :)
Zowie wowie! I could say that in a more dignified manner, but why? It's a really nice composition.

Zowiw wowie works for me, thanks :D

Great shot, love the colours and the sunstar.

Once critique if may, i would have composed it slightly higher so the leading line of the hill enters about 1/4 to 1/3 of the way down the image, and also slightly to the left, so that the tree on the left isn't cutoff at the top and occupies the left third, and so the sun nails the top right third :)

I see what you're saying. The main "leading line" of this image would be the log. This is composed so the eye goes from the foreground flower, to the log, to the sky.

Also, keep in mind, if I had a higher perspective, these flowers wouldn't be so big :).
Awesome shot!! That looks so much different than 25 years ago when I was there. Amazing recovery!!
Awesome shot. Love the colors and the exposure. Did you use a gradient filter for this or is this HDR?
Thanks very much everyone. Skor35- HDR, manual blend.

I updated the post with an improved version. Thanks for your feedback.
Well, that took care of the leaning tree. I kinda discounted the lean, knowing it was a wide-angle, but my wife asked - Why is the tree leaning over so? I explained it was a wide-angle, yada, yada, yada... But it looks better without that.
Well, that took care of the leaning tree. I kinda discounted the lean, knowing it was a wide-angle, but my wife asked - Why is the tree leaning over so? I explained it was a wide-angle, yada, yada, yada... But it looks better without that.

Yeah it was a primary complaint here and other places!
I'm impressed you were able to get in an HDR image on this. That sun doesn't stay still for long. Awesome image and well processed.

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