Peace on Earth - Baltimore


Completely Counter-dependent
Supporting Member
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Mid-Atlantic US
Can others edit my Photos
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To bad her eyes were closed.
Is this just a portrait or are you telling a story?
sorry lew. the holding sign thing.
if you could have got her to stand on her head and still hold the sign you would have had something..
Photographing people while they don't look ? Good strategy to avoid troubles. On the other hand is good to know, that Baltimoreans are peaceful people, I was already afraid they not.
What is the halo around her? Post work?
What is the halo around her? Post work?
if you go to Portland you can hang around the grey hound bus station and take photos of the people that hold the "no work need food. Help, hungry. " signs off congress street. That could be a amusing photo with the fast food joints all around im pretty sure you could get one in the photo or at least a sign from one in the background..
I only mention it because it crossed my mind but then I just didn't want anything like that for me personally. im really looking for the hooker type photos..
Doing What is says on her shirt would translate to what it says on her sign.Thats the story she is telling or at least thats what I get from it.
To bad her eyes were closed.

I'm not sure about that. I think her expression makes the photo. Doesn't break it.
I get the feeling she's "soaking it all in".
Good human interest shot.
Baltimore sucks...Red Sox rule

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