Photo books - Non-technical


Iron Flatline

Hi all.

Just wondering if anyone feels like sharing titles and authors of their favorite photobooks. I love them, and am always looking for new ones. I sort of collect them, and all relatives have standing orders to give me photo books as gifts. You learn a lot about a person by the kind of book he or she gives you....

Some of my favs:

"Picturing Eden" by Deborah Klotchko and Anthony Bannon
It's various images that deal with the notion of Paradise, or its loss. Really good art photography (Simen Johan, Ruud Van Empel, Loretta Lux)

"Shooting Under Fire" by Peter Howe
A history of combat photography.

"Workers" by Sebastiao Salgado
Yikes, images of the hardest places on earth, and the people that work there.

And a recent gift from my wife:
"The Photobook: A History, Vol. 1" by Gerry Badger and Martin Parr
Well, like the name says, it's a history. Kind of fun.

So, who's got recommendations?
A few of my faves are:

“Nature’s Places” by Rod Planck

“Shooting under Fire” by Peter Howe
Combat photography

“The Photographs” A National Geographic book

“Minnesota: The Spirit of the Land” by Greg Ryan

“Windjammers, Lighthouses and Other Treasures of the Maine Coast” by Frank Chillemi
Self-explanatory (had to add this one… Frank is a friend of mine!)

“At Home, At Sea: Recipes from the Maine Windjammer J&E Riggin” by Anne Mahle
It’s a cookbook, but a handful of my photos will be featured in the next publication! Sweet!

There are tons of excellent photobooks… Those mentioned above are just a few that come to mind.

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