..*..Pics...HDR & New Sigma 12~24..*..


TPF Noob!
Jan 6, 2009
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Paducah, KY
Can others edit my Photos
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Drove around town yesterday trying to find something interesting to shoot and came up with these.
Still experimenting with my new Sigma 12~24 lens along with HDR processing and really liking the lens so far.
I included two different focal length versions of the church ( #1 & #4)
I kind of like the distorted effect that the wide angle provides on the last pic along with the HDR post processing applied.
What do you guys think?....:crazy:....C&C welcome....:cheers:




Eh... sorry, but that radioactive look... no, just no.

These are some nice compositions that would look far better by waiting for the right lighting.
They're cool looking but way to blotchy. Why are there so many dark spots everywhere?

I like #2 because of the high contrasts. (and the random giraffe)
i like 1 and 4. nice hdr's. what r u using? photomatix? looks like an overcast day. i should try shooting in these weather conditions for my hdr's.

also, in 2 and 3 you're getting some pretty obvious halos around the buildings.

u should remove that cable in the upper right part of 3.
I love HDR pictures with a little flair. Using it to enhance a picture is cool to but I feel until there are monitors in the consumer market that can display HDR correctly why not have fun with it. That said I like this series. My only thing is that in some of them, 1 & 4, the staining on the building makes the shots look darkers than they are. Maybe try using the Dodge tool in PS to lighten the area.

As for halos you can cut the sky away in PS and process it seprate to get rid of them somewhat.
where did the Giraffe come from in #3? Is it real? I like the last one. I never attempted HDR so im sure I dont fully appreciate the effort of it..
Those are some nicely tone mapped images. The skewed and distorted angles on the last one is a bit intense and seems kind of hard to view. But the mood and settings of the other ones are great. Nice HDR
i like 1 and 4. nice hdr's. what r u using? photomatix? looks like an overcast day. i should try shooting in these weather conditions for my hdr's.
also, in 2 and 3 you're getting some pretty obvious halos around the buildings.
u should remove that cable in the upper right part of 3.
Thanks for comments...:thumbsup:....yes, using 'Photomatix' and very overcast shooting conditions...:thumbup:
I'm still plugging away at photoshop, slowly learning a few editing techniques...:scratch:
Haven't tried removing the halos in the other shots yet but did make an attempt at removing the cable in photo #3 below...
Here's the fixed version....what do you think about the edit?....:???:
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Nice shots! It would be nice to see some more sky in #1. IMO #2 is a bit too strong (hdr), and #4 not perfectly stiched (I assume the shots were taken hand-held).

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