pond 2


TPF Noob!
Oct 14, 2007
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shoulda pushed the little guy in first...the ripples would have improved the shot a lot I think.

AHAHA. Naw...I like the reflection of the trees...but I think you should have framed the shot a bit higher to include the top of the tree.
good point. i didn't notice that before.

i keep getting feedback on water shots to keep the horizon level but i don't know why that's so important.
you cut the tree ...

the boy and the tree being aligned like that makes it a little bit boring, there is nothing to the left and the right of the central line

the boy is cut in half in a strange way ...
Had the boy been off center, I think it would have been a better comp. I would have moved him a little to his right, between the two clumps of trees. Then cropped off the "dead" space frame left.
Had the boy been off center, I think it would have been a better comp. I would have moved him a little to his right, between the two clumps of trees. Then cropped off the "dead" space frame left.

The reflection would have been less symmetrical.
Dont edit your photo like this, but i thought it would be rather funny (kinda in a cute way)

Ill call it:
Which Way Is Up?
hey that's cool !

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