Professional Online Printing of Images.


TPF Noob!
Jul 5, 2007
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Ontario, Canada
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Good day all,

I am interested in getting some of my digital images printed using online services but I don't want to use a place like wal mart.

Can anyone tell me who the best online professional digital printing lab is here in Canada or at least tell me which one is most used by the forum members here?

Cheers all.
Go to the top of the forum, and right next to the 'new post' link there is a search link. Click it and a little search bar comes down. Type in 'Online printers'

Other than that I am not Canadian, and thus am not really qualified to answer you question :D
Thanks for the info Scott and Ls,
After searching for online printers it seems mpix is the leading favourite. My only problem with them is there shipping to Canada is 14.95 and that's with no prints yet.

That's why I was hoping to find a similar online lab that provided pro results here in Canada where the shipping would not be so deadly.
Yes this thread is a year and a half old, but better than starting a new thread.
Up here in Canada we need a place like Mpix! I'd go threw Mpix in a heart beat (expense and all), but being Canadian, it would be hard to write that expense off I believe.
Walmart and Kodak Canada are good, but not professioanal.
Although I am looking at Camera Canada's Prolab-the verdict is still out as I haven't placed an order there yet.
Nothing like the revival of a two year old thread to catch my attention. The first time around, I was printing my own work or occasionally having it done by a pro photo finisher nearby, and they did do fine, fine work. I think, sadly, they've gone out of business, which isn't exactly shocking.

My story, and it's just that, only my story, is that at first printing my own images seemed the way to go, even though it at times took multiple attempts to get to WYSIWYG. Frustrating? Yeah, there were times it was. Then there was the expense of paper and ink.

About a year or so ago I was in need of an 8x10 in a hurry. I decided to upload the image on-line to Walgreen's and order the print for a whopping $1.79(they may have had a special at the time, the usual price might be $2.50 approx).

The print was nothing short of startlingly good, maybe even great, and more than worth the price. The pro house, FWIW, was charging between $7-8 for the same print.

I swallowed my pride and have since been using Walgreen's, and even Sam' Club for an 11x14. Likewise, Sam's Club prints are excellent.

Of course, suit yourself, but I say that some mighty fine photo printing is right around the corner at a pharmacy. Not only that, it's inexpensive, easy, you don't need to use a credit/debit card, and they have your stuff ready in minutes. If I ordered a dozen 8x10s right now, by the time I put my shoes on and got out to the truck, my BB would be pinging with an email telling me that they were ready for pick-up.
Yes I agree. Walmart, Kodak Canada actually do a pretty good job.
I am more pissed that some of these company's don't know how to respone to email's.
For instance it took Kodak 2 weeks to have my whole whooping 40-8x10's and some 4x6's done. They shipped in separate orders. I was not impressed. They used to be printed and in my hands in 3-4 days tops.
Must be the recession or something, maybe they downsized there as well?

And Walmart-OMG, nice prints, but there photo software needs to catch up to Vista. Brutal to say the least. But since WM is right around the corner.........

Thanks for the imput, it helped alot-:)
Yes I agree. Walmart, Kodak Canada actually do a pretty good job.
I haven't used film manufacturer processing since I stopped using Fuji Velvia mailers. (I still have several rolls of Velvia and the mailers dating to, I'd guess, 1998/99.)

The times I used Kodak processing I was not at all impressed; it was no better or worse than "drug store" work. Today, drug store printing can be spectacular, especially when you consider price and fast turnaround, which is typically well under an hour.

The biggest hurdle for a lot of photogs is the lack of the term "professional" in this type of processing. Absent that word, some think anything other than "professional" is unacceptable. While that may have been true at one time, I contend it no longer continues to be.

The only area in which chain store processing comes up short is black&white, and the reason is that they don't use genuine b&w paper. If the demand increases for proper b&w prints, I'd guess we'll see the use of b&w paper become common.

Glad to be of some help. My pleasure!
I use Technicare, they have labs in the big cites across Western Canada but nothing in Ontario yet. They are a full service Professional lab, great quality.

I've used London Drugs before and they do a pretty good job but they cost as much as a pro lab you have to wait in line with all the 'consumer level' photographers.

I've also used Black's/Astral, they were OK.

I've even tried Wal-mart and Costco. I did have one Wal-mart that was pretty good, but only when the photo manager was working. Costco usually does much better than Wal-mart and the prices are as low or lower. But while their quality is good, I haven't found it to be on a professional level.
There are a few Costco that have higher end printers available. This in conjunction with using their printer profiles gave me an excellent 16X20 photo.

I'd not use them for professional clients, but for playing around and some personal projects, I was VERY impressed.

Another place that I saw some results from (not my photos) was Yves Thomas labs. Fantastic quality paper and final results from. Website HERE. Next time I want to print something out, I will try them.
Best I found yet:

How is the print quality? paper quality?

I made a huge order of personal prints through kodak. Was not impressed with the quality of the paper, although after it was all said and done I did get 200 prints for free as they were "lost" in the mail, and showed up 3 weeks after I called in.

I used to work in the Walmart photo lab, I've almost considered going back so I could have control over my own prints :P It's really hit and miss with those places, but the price is right.

Nova Photo Centre is a pro lab in my area, I used to use them for my B&W/x-pro work. They do online ordering for digital prints: Nova Photo Centre - Digital Prints they offer Canadian service).

Top quality, individual prints are more expensive than Kodak, walgreens, etc, but when you factor in the free 2-day shipping it evens out in price with the cheaper companies that do charge shipping. And as part of joining their site you get 5 free 8X10 prints to check your monitor calibration to their printers. And with your 5 prints they send samples of all their papers.

They also have great customer service. If something is wrong with your print they send another immediately, no questions asked.

I just got a 20x30 print and it's better quality than the 5x7 of the same print I got from other places.

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