Real Time Crime Center


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 27, 2011
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St. Louis
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Out walking the neighborhood this morning and passed the police station. They had one of their mobile snoop trailers parked out front and turned on. I image I got my picture taken taking their picture. Fuji X-T2 w/18-55mm

I think the thought is visibility helps prevention. Around here, speed cameras cause people to slow down, if only for a short distance. They put them near schools.
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Nice! Our legislature banned speed and red light cameras in the State. We do have the portable monitoring units, but they usually only place them in parking lots, construction areas, and other areas that attract a little more crime.
Birmingham installed gun shot sensors that can pinpoint where the shot came from, and they still can't catch the shooters, nor has it had any significant decrease in the number of shootings.
About the cctv, I always say if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about ... :cool:

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