Robin Silhouette & Squirrel in the snow


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Oct 5, 2016
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What do you all think? I just got into taking wildlife photo's this year and it's been a tough one starting in the middle of winter lol. This is about the only one i was happy with today.

Edit: Adding second picture
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Not a bad start. The only thing I would have been tempted to do would be to clone out that branch sticking up in front of the bird so that it is looking into clear sky.

I had a look at your Flickr site and that one of the squirrel with its face in the snow isn't that bad and I would encourage you to post it for feedback, if you haven't done so elsewhere.

Not a bad start. The only thing I would have been tempted to do would be to clone out that branch sticking up in front of the bird so that it is looking into clear sky.

I had a look at your Flickr site and that one of the squirrel with its face in the snow isn't that bad and I would encourage you to post it for feedback, if you haven't done so elsewhere.

Thank you. I have added the squirrel pic as well. I actually cloned out a few branches that were in the foreground and blurred, i didn't think of that branch you mentioned.

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