round and round and round and round the north star


TPF Noob!
Apr 4, 2012
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Vancouver BC
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this shot reminded me a lot of my parents home. with the weird colour balanced security light on the property, it gives the image really vibrant greens balanced by a purple sky.

it was a cold 45 minutes to get this image, but i'm happy with the result. (got the north star in by luck!)

c&c please! i like the shot, but not sure its a wow image? what could i do to improve composition/execution?

washington_startrails by abbye dahl, on Flickr
I think this is a stunning image! I only wonder if the building and tree are focused and exposed properly. I can't tell because the photo you posted is low resolution.
The sky/stars background does not balance well with the building/tree.
Something more "naturous" (is that even a word) would fit better ... ex mountains/hills/forest.

Nice capture of the stars.
thanks guys,

i've heard a lot of debate on natural vs. manmade foreground for star trails, personally i like the human aspect we get from having the barn in the photo.
though i definitely look forward to trying some more with a more natural location.
I like the barn in the photo... And I like the shot overall very much.

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