Sad to see it go.

Toni Marie

TPF Noob!
Jan 25, 2008
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Lincoln, NE
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Here are a few pictures from good old Lincoln. The pictures were taken at a local bar and restaurant. The food is great and kind of weird they have a burger with peanut butter on it and I think it's the best seller. It's been like a landmark in Lincoln for 28 years and today they're closing their doors.
So long P.O.Pears.


That sucks that they are closing. Looks like a cool place.

Those are great photos. How did you get the cool perspective of the lips window?

Why are they shutting their doors?
I shot from the stairs. Not really sure why they're closing. I don't think the can keep it up, and no one wants to buy it that's what really surprises me.
I know how you feel man, I mean ma'am. The restaurant where I used to work as a teenager has closed its doors for the last time a few months ago... I will never forget all the delicious food and icecream they had :(

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