Snowflake in Summer


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Mar 10, 2007
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Shot these in and around Snowflake, a tiny southern Manitoba town near the US border. Loved that old-style wooden grain elevator.




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I like that wide, wide wide-angle photo with the massive "street of clouds" as the main object! Very nice.

I'm in two minds over the middle photo.
I might have tried to do the same, i.e. blur out that grain elevator and focus on the flowers, but to my mind the background is now not blurred enough... :scratch:

The first is just good.
good shots, the first one is quite flat, but nice. ;)
1. Really like this! All the openess and the nostalgic feel of the grain elevator.

2. I'm not sure about this one....its okay, but I keep wanting the grain elevator to be more in focus. Maybe if there had been an actual fence in the foreground with some larger flowers it wouldn't bother me so much.

3. Beautiful! Really love those clouds. This one really creates a sense open wilderness and farmland.

Nice series. :)
I like that wide, wide wide-angle photo with the massive "street of clouds" as the main object!
The curious thing is that I didn't really shoot it with a wide angle lens (28mm on a DX camera = about 45mm). The view of the great wide open from that hill was captivating.

I'm in two minds over the middle photo.
I might have tried to do the same, i.e. blur out that grain elevator and focus on the flowers, but to my mind the background is now not blurred enough... :scratch:
2. I'm not sure about this one....its okay, but I keep wanting the grain elevator to be more in focus. Maybe if there had been an actual fence in the foreground with some larger flowers it wouldn't bother me so much.
Yup, this one was a bit of a failed experiment (but I like the photo anyway). I shot it at 75mm and f/2.8 (the max aperture of that lens). I should've probably switched to the 50mm f1.4 instead. Hindsight is 20/20, I guess. The result is that the elevator competes for your attention with the flowers/non-fence, so your eye moves endlessly between the two planes of the photo.

Thanks Corinna, Carol, and 512!
In case anybody's still interested, here's the B&W conversion of another snapshot I took that day in Snowflake...
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Wow neat clouds. The big bush and the grain elevator are not complementing each other. The sepia tone is working great though.

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