Speedlight with external power capability?


TPF Noob!
Sep 28, 2009
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Chattanooga, TN
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Im looking to add another speedlight to my collection, but wanting something that can connect to an external power supply. Looking for an off brand model that is similar to the 580ex. E-TTL is not necessarily needed. Any recommendations for something under $175?

Im looking to add another speedlight to my collection, but wanting something that can connect to an external power supply. Looking for an off brand model that is similar to the 580ex. E-TTL is not necessarily needed. Any recommendations for something under $175?


The vivitars 285hv!
I think the 285 is a little bit less powerfull than the 580 buit for the price you cant go wrong.

89$ + 14 $ for the outlet powercord.
You will need some wireless triggers.
Thanks ghache....is there any options for using the flash with a external battery pack?
I believe it does. I bought a used unit with a power adapter as well as couple cables that one end goes to the battery compartment (where you insert the batteries to) and the other end to a battery pack. (that is what the seller told me)

I do not know what battery pack it compatible with since I have not did any research on it.

Here are the photos of the cable for the 285HV.



The outlet adapter will plug directly into the wall, im not sure but it should work on a battery pack?
I also replaced the plastic mount shoes with some metal shoes that i a bought on ebay. Great upgrade at a low cost.

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