

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Mar 13, 2024
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Australia Victoria
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Spewing indeed, i didn't have the camera on me today just the crappy phone. Was sitting under a tree and this little fella dropped down from above, but i didn't really take notice straight away till a magpie got to close and the Noisy Miners whole family chased the hell out of the magpie.

It's usually the magpies that do all the chasing🤣.

Got to witness a nestling trying to become a fledgling. Wasn't sure what to do, i put him back up into the tree a few times but he kept fluttering down to the ground. Came to realise that he needed to find his wings so i just keeped an eye on him while i was there.

He was trying to climb back up his tree at first and that's when i nabbed him and put him up on a high branch.

Dopey bird decided to hang upside down on the high branch🤪.


As good as it gets from my phone, not a fan of phone cameras but it came in handy today🤘...
Good for you, a lovely story ... :encouragement:
Cheers Mr the Jeff, only thing im worried about is that it's all carparks and road in front of the building. Hope i find him today when i have to head back there.

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