sunset c&c please


TPF Noob!
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I know foreground doesn't compliment but was an at the moment shot

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Just a heads up, I made the same mistake, not alot of people on this forum like to click links. Try posting the actual picture in your thread. Make the image the size you want 640 works best then right click it go to properties and put this in your thread:

Then preview the thread before you post it.
I know, I've been editing the message since I first posted it. can't get it to work. it's relly p@#$ me off as it works on every other forum

Just a heads up, I made the same mistake, not alot of people on this forum like to click links. Try posting the actual picture in your thread. Make the image the size you want 640 works best then right click it go to properties and put this in your thread:

Then preview the thread before you post it.
Okay Flickr has been messing around with their URL's go to the picture in flickr and go view all sizes, hit 640 (medium) I think it is, wait for it to come up in medium then right click hit properties and copy the URl in between the
make sure it's a full line with no breaks in it.

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