Test Shots....Opinions please


TPF Noob!
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
Dearborn, MI
Hey all,
I am shooting my daughter, nieces, and nephews for my mother in law for her birthday. She really likes the high key look, so I was messing around today to see about my set up. Any opinions would be appreciated.



She wasn't always happy about doing this.

So I had to find the dog.

B&W conversion which I will probably do with the group.
ehhh... the lighting is really flat. Seems to work OK with the dog, but I think you can do more with the little cutie pie.

Can you more the main light off to one side?

I was dealing with different heights. The height of the dog worked better. I was lighting the background about 2 stops over and using a softbox for the main light. This was my first attempt like this.
I like her expression in No. 1! She came out with this smile that made me, as a viewer, feel positive.
I think more contrast is needed. She is lost in the white background.. Maybe changing her shirt?
I tjink that the light works best with the dog... for people..the bg is tooooooo bright for me
Im interested in learning portraiture too so I hope you get some more hints/tips here.
I do notice the white top seems to be giving a purple cast and in the 2nd picture the top seems to have given some trouble again as the highlights are blown.
Hope you dont mind the comments from a fellow noob! :wink:
The white shirt of the girl tends to fade in to the background a bit, maybe a different colour top thats not contrasting.

Great skins tones on her arms. You are getting there.


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